
Friday, April 24, 2020

Putili Vaisya Bania Samaj

About Nikhila Utkal Putili Vaisya Bania Samaj....

“Nikhila Utkal Putili Vaisy Bania Samaj” is an organization registered under Odisha Society Act,1960,vide no:-18997/35 of 1987-88 and meant for the welfare of community “Putuli Bandha Vaisy”. I, on behalf of the organization beg to as follows: That after thorough inquiries and verification the Govt. of Odisha has enlisted Vaisy community “Putuli Bandha Vaisy” as socially and educationally backward(SEBC) published in resolution of Govt. of Odisha Tribal and welfare Department vide Annexure-“A” of resolution no:-25455/TW, dt.10.09.93 in sl. No:-14. Subsequently as some anomaly arose regarding the nomenclature of the community, the synonyms of Putuli Badha Vaisy ie Vaisy, Putuli Bania ,Vaisy Bania etc. were later on included in the approved in the approved list vide TRW Deptt. Resolution No:-OBC-11/96-18222/TW,dt.29.7.96.That on the basis of the above list Govt. of Odisha has earlier sponsored out community originally enlisted as “Putuli Bandha Vausy” for inclusion in the central list for OBC.

The very name Putuli Bandha vaisy implies that memory of community collects herbs from the jungle,markes them packets (Putuli) and sell them to poor villagers some what like quacks or local vaidya as a cheap medical aid. With advent of the modern medicines in allopathy the business of community has the gradually dwindled and members finding no other means for their survival have worked as daily laborers, small farmers, very small businessman etc….

Nikhil Utkal Putuli Vaisy Bania Society has been functioning as an old/ancient and reputed organisation for the last seven decades. It has grown into an impressive social organisation who shares a common interest in related themes of social justice, peace and development. Its first session was held in the year 1940 at the village Madhupur oj Jajpur sub-division. Since then this organisation expanding its shape to regional level has been undertaking various constructive steps towards eradication of racial conservatism, social prejudices and fostering the promotion of education among the depressed and downtrodden mass-existing in its fold. One of the notable and significant achievements of the organisation is the abolition of kanyasuna custom. In 1944 at Sakhigopal satyabadi and august session of the vaisyas of Orissa was held under the Chairmanship of Bidyadhar choudhury in which historical resolutions were unanimously taken to preach and propagate Oriya language popularize and cult of Jagannath and ancient Sadhab culture. In this context the lyrics and plays composed by Madhab Choudhury, Babaji Charan Prusty and Bhagirathi Prusty have been published and distributed among the people.

Since then the honourable Gajapati of Orissa has donated a price of land at balagandi among the ghaturi servants for Amruta manohi Prasad or Khei Banta. As a mark of respect to the above a special function known as Khei Banta has been observed at that place every year on the scared Asadha Ekadasi(the day after Bahuda). Till now arrangements are being made for shelter of the Habisiali is the scared month of kartik.

Extending the jurisdiction of the above programmes some dynamic measures has been taken since 1987 to further the sphere of its activities. The organisation has been registered under Society and Registration Act 1860 in 1987 and the scope of its constitution has been expanded. Accordingly the organisation has been rendering valuable service to the people coming under Baisya Samaj at the time of natural calamities such as flood, drought, cyclone etc. On the behalf of the organisation the celebrated writers, poets, social activities and researches of Orissa have been conferred such titles like Jatiratna, Baisya Gaurab and Baisya Sanman, Besides incentives are being given to meritorious students those who are striving to achieve M.A., M.S.C., M.Com., MBA,MCA, M.Tech., MBBS, Ph.D., D.Litt., Degree. Every year 20 Nos. of helpless widows are being provided with monthly allowance to sustain their living. In addition to this foundation day of the organisation, Boita Bandan Ceremony and Gandhi Jayanti are observed with much pomp and ceremony. The annual session of the society is held on any one day of the above which is attended by brothers and sisters of Vaisya descendents of the whole Country. The annual magazine of the organisation entitled ”The Baidurjya” is being inaugurated in this annual session. Since ten years which has highly encouraged all the brothers and sisters of the Samaj inculcating in them a spirit of newness to fight for social justice and equality.


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