
Thursday, March 14, 2024



Traditionally largely occupied as Merchant.
The community originated in Sindh before migrating to Gujarat.

The Lohanas are divided into three separate cultural groups as a result of centuries apart in different regions. Thus there are significant differences between the culture, language, professions and societies of.

The Lohana, also referred to as Luvana are an Indian casteSindhi Lohanas (those who migrated from Sind after partition of India)

Kutchi Lohanas (those living or having ancestry in Kutch), and those of
Gujarati Lohanas (those living or having ancestry in Saurashtra)

Although considered to be Vaishya in the Hindu ritual ranking system known as varna
the Lohanas favour a mythical origin as members of the Kshatriya varna.
Their claim is to be of Suryavanshi descent from a lineage tracing back to Lava, son of Rama.
At least some of them believe that they belong to the Rathor clan, which they consider to be kshatriya.
They claim that their name is derived from Lavnam, one of the 18 grades of Kshatriya,
ultimately derived from Lava himself.

In the 7th century,
there was a Buddhist ruler named Agham Lohana ruled a part of Sindh and was Governor of Brahmanabad and contemporary of Chach of Alor

Agham Lohana is referred to in Chach Nama and the city of Agham Kot is said to be named after him. Even the sea around was known as Lohana Darya. Chach of Alor killed Agham Lohana in battle of Brahmanand and married his widow and also married his niece to Agham's son Sirhind. Further, Chach is said to have laid restrictions of Lohana and Jat tribes from wearing headgear and carrying weapons. He further placed upon Lohana restrictions such as.

Lohana are Vaishya

You are citing the article page it self, to be a proof of your claims. This is sheer non sense. Wikipedia in it self is not to be cited as a reference, please note. Although, Lahore is said to be named after Luv but that does not mean that Lohana become Kshatriya. There is no mention of Loh Kingdom , or Loh Rajya . Apart from Lohana community's own website there is no mention of the origin of Lohana in any research or books by any noted historian British or Indian. Further, do not tell me that every king who ruled over Lahore was of Lohana community. The whole page is absurd and should be deleted as complete article is without any reliable citation. Connecting anything with Lahore - Loh - Loh Rana - Lohana wow this is good rhyming. Lohana are Kshatriya google search gives conflicting results. While most books say although Lohana claim to Kshatriya there is no proof of it. They have been msotly identified as Trader community like Bhatias. see above search one books says Lohanas and Oshwals are trading castes by traditional occupation and hence belong to the Vaishya varna . other says In the all-Hindu caste ranking, both Patels and Lohanas would rank well below the Rajputs and other Kshatriyas, and perhaps would be on a par with the caste-merchants, the Banyas or Vaishyas of the varna classification. The Gazzeter of Province of Sind, year 1907, mentions Lohanas, numbering 413049 in 1901, form the bulk of the Hindu population of the Province. The derivation of the name and the caste is obscure. The desire to establish a Kshatriya lineage is doubtless responsible for the theory advanced by some Lohanas that their ancestors were warriors. In census of 1901 they have been classed under the great trading caste of Vanias. and they were classified by British as Vaishya caste and not warrior of Kshatriya caste. I can give many more such citations, as such the article needs a major clean-up. All these citations are enough to establish that the theory of their being Kshatriya is a result of well orchestrated propaganda by their community elders over many decades to gain upper caste identity.Jethwarp (talk) 15:30, 26 July 2011 (UTC) The census of India 1911 also classifies them as Traders i.e Vaishya Jethwarp (talk) 15:37, 26 July 2011 (UTC)

Most of the Lohanas are Gujarati language speaking community. Therefore I would like to cite the one of the most recent authentic book on Rajputs of Gujarat, The Rajputs of Saurashtra written by Virbhadras Sinhji a scion of Gohil dynasty of Bhavnagar, it also classifies Lohanas as Merchants and not Kshatriya.

In Gujarat many Rajputs as a warrior caste are non-vegetarian, so usually Brahmins and Banias etc would not eat prepared food from a Rajput's house ( because the same kitchen would have been used to make meat ) but would accept un-cooked food ( grains, vegetables ) from them. In this context please read following last lines of page 15 and first lines of page 16 ( clearly mentions that Brahmins, ....Lohanas donot eat food prepared by Rajputs but can take food from them. If Lohanas were Rajputs / Kshatriyas why would they not eat food prepared by another Rajput/Kshatriya.

The following book (People of India: Maharashtra, Volume 2 By Kumar Suresh Singh, B. V. Bhanu, Anthropological Survey of India ) cited in article itself also mentions that they place themselves under Vaishya order .

Nukh: - Asarpota, Panditpota, Jobanota, Popat, Chhug, Thakral, Chhabria, Sejpal, Somaiya, Karya, Katar (Khatar), Mamotia, and Dhodheja etc.

A European by name of ‘Anthovan’ had written a book on the 'Races and Casts of Bombay Presidency'. In the third chapter, page 371 of the book, he has stated that Lohana’s are descendants of Shree Ramachandra’s son Lava. From Ramayana, it is learnt that after Raja Dashratha, Shree Ramachandra inherited Ayodhiya. It is stated in Raghu Vansh (15, 87) that Bharat, Shree Ramachandra’s brother, inherited the Province of Sind. (Sind Desh). Shree Ramachandra had two sons. Kush and Luva. They were twins but Kush was considered eldest. After Shree Ramachandra, Kush inherited Ayodhiya. His descendants were called Vanhans. His brother Luva, inherited the northern part of Koshal, and his descendants were called Lohana.

Those Lohanas who lived in Sind, according to Mr. Anthovan, have many Nukhs viz. Asarpota, Panditpota, Jobanota, Popat, Chhug, Thakral, Chhabria, Sejpal, Somaiya, Karya, Katar (Khatar) and Mamotia etc. According to the History of Arorvanshi, persons belonging to above-mentioned Nukhs lived in Punjab as well.

Prior to the Arab invasion, the Lohanas lived in Sind and were wealthy. But as a result of Arab invasion, many Rulers & Kings along with some of their subjects fled Sind and took refuge in Kutch and Punjab. They are identified in Punjab as ‘Arorvanshi’. Aror derived from Alwar, and Vanshi meaning hailing from, or resident of.

The Lohana, though Khatri, thus transformed to Vaishas (traders)

लोहाना परंपरागत रूप से बड़े पैमाने पर व्यापारी के रूप में कार्य करते है। गुजरात में प्रवास करने से पहले इस समुदाय की उत्पत्ति सिंध में हुई थी। विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में सदियों के अंतर के परिणामस्वरूप लोहाना तीन अलग-अलग सांस्कृतिक समूहों में विभाजित हैं। इस प्रकार संस्कृति, भाषा, व्यवसायों और समाजों के बीच महत्वपूर्ण अंतर हैं। लोहाना, जिसे लुवाना भी कहा जाता है, एक भारतीय जाति सिंधी लोहाना है (जो भारत के विभाजन के बाद सिंध से चले गए) कच्छी लोहाना (कच्छ में रहने वाले या वंश रखने वाले), और वे गुजराती लोहाना (जो सौराष्ट्र में रहते हैं या जिनकी वंशावली है)

लोहाना को हिंदू अनुष्ठान रैंकिंग प्रणाली में वैश्य माना जाता है जिसे वर्ण कहा जाता है उनका दावा है कि वे राम के पुत्र लव के वंशज सूर्यवंशी हैं।

लोहाना वैश्य हैं ऐसा कहा जाता है कि लाहौर का नाम लव के नाम पर रखा गया था, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि लोहाना क्षत्रिय बन गए। लोह साम्राज्य या लोह राज्य का कोई उल्लेख नहीं है। इन्हें आमतौर पर भाटिया जैसे वैश्य व्यापारी समुदाय के रूप में पहचाना जाता है। एक पुस्तक में कहा गया है कि लोहाना और ओशवाल पारंपरिक व्यवसाय से व्यापारिक जातियां हैं और इसलिए वैश्य वर्ण से संबंधित हैं। अन्य का कहना है कि अखिल हिंदू जाति रैंकिंग में, पटेल और लोहाना दोनों राजपूतों और अन्य क्षत्रियों से काफी नीचे होंगे, और शायद वर्ण-वर्गीकरण के जाति-व्यापारियों, बनिया या वैश्य होंगे। सिंध प्रांत के गजेटर, वर्ष 1907, में लोहाना का उल्लेख है, जिनकी 1901 में संख्या 413049 थी, जो प्रांत की हिंदू आबादी का बड़ा हिस्सा थे। नाम और जाति की व्युत्पत्ति अस्पष्ट है। 1901 की जनगणना में उन्हें बनियायो की महान व्यापारिक जाति के अंतर्गत वर्गीकृत किया गया है। और उन्हें अंग्रेजों द्वारा वैश्य जाति के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया था. मैं ऐसे और भी कई उद्धरण दे सकता हूं, इसलिए लेख में बड़े पैमाने पर सफाई की जरूरत है। जनगणना भारत का 1911 भी उन्हें व्यापारियों यानी वैश्य के रूप में वर्गीकृत करता है

अधिकांश लोहाना गुजराती भाषा बोलने वाले समुदाय हैं। इसलिए मैं गुजरात के राजपूतों पर सबसे हालिया प्रामाणिक पुस्तक, द राजपूत्स ऑफ सौराष्ट्र का हवाला देना चाहूंगा, जो भावनगर के गोहिल राजवंश के वंशज वीरभद्र सिंह जी द्वारा लिखी गई है, यह भी लोहाना को वैश्य बनिया व्यापारियों के रूप में वर्गीकृत करती है, गुजरात में योद्धा जाति के रूप में कई राजपूत मांसाहारी हैं, इसलिए आमतौर पर ब्राह्मण और बनिया आदि राजपूत के घर से तैयार भोजन नहीं खाते थे (क्योंकि उसी रसोई का उपयोग मांस बनाने के लिए किया जाता था) लेकिन बिना पका हुआ भोजन (अनाज) स्वीकार करते थे , सब्जियां ) उनसे। ब्राह्मण, ....और लोहाना विषय राजपूतों द्वारा तैयार किया गया भोजन नहीं खाते हैं, लेकिन उनसे भोजन ले सकते हैं। निम्नलिखित पुस्तक (भारत के लोग: महाराष्ट्र, खंड 2, कुमार सुरेश सिंह, बी. वी. भानु, भारतीय मानवविज्ञान सर्वेक्षण) में यह भी उल्लेख किया गया है कि वे लोहाना खुद को वैश्य वर्ण के तहत रखते हैं।

नख :- असरपोटा, पंडितपोटा, जोबनोटा, पोपट, चुग, ठकराल, छाबरिया, सेजपाल, सोमैया, कार्या, कटार (खतर), ममोटिया और धोधेजा आदि। 'एंथोवन' नाम के एक यूरोपीय ने 'रेसेस एंड कास्ट्स ऑफ बॉम्बे प्रेसीडेंसी' पर एक किताब लिखी थी। पुस्तक के तीसरे अध्याय, पृष्ठ 371 में, उन्होंने कहा है कि लोहाना श्री रामचन्द्र के पुत्र लव के वंशज हैं। रामायण से पता चलता है कि राजा दशरथ के बाद श्री रामचन्द्र को अयोध्या विरासत में मिली। रघुवंश (15, 87) में कहा गया है कि श्री रामचन्द्र के भाई भरत को सिंध प्रान्त विरासत में मिला। (सिंध देश)। श्री रामचन्द्र के दो पुत्र थे। कुश और लवा. वे जुड़वाँ थे लेकिन कुश को सबसे बड़ा माना जाता था। श्री रामचन्द्र के बाद कुश को अयोध्या विरासत में मिली। उनके वंशज वनहंस कहलाये। उनके भाई लव को कोशल का उत्तरी भाग विरासत में मिला और उनके वंशज लोहाना कहलाये। श्री एंथोवन के अनुसार, जो लोहाना सिंध में रहते थे, उनके पास कई नुख हैं। असरपोटा, पंडितपोटा, जोबनोटा, पोपट, चुग, ठकराल, छाबरिया, सेजपाल, सोमैया, कार्या, कटार (खतर) और ममोतिया आदि। अरोड़वंशी इतिहास के अनुसार, उपर्युक्त नुख से संबंधित व्यक्ति पंजाब में भी रहते थे। अरब आक्रमण से पहले, लोहाना सिंध में रहते थे और धनी थे। लेकिन अरब आक्रमण के परिणामस्वरूप, कई शासकों और राजाओं ने अपनी कुछ प्रजा के साथ सिंध से भागकर कच्छ और पंजाब में शरण ली। पंजाब में इनकी पहचान 'अरोरवंशी' वैश्य या खत्री भाटिया के रूप में की जाती है। अरोर अलवर से लिया गया है, और वंशी का अर्थ है, निवासी या निवासी। लोहाना, हालांकि पहले क्षत्रिय थे. अग्रवाल, भाटिया, सूद, खत्री माहेश्वरी आदि की तरह से वैश्य (व्यापारी) में बदल गए।

LOHANA SURNAMES | Lohana Community


Aadatiya આડતિયા
Aade આડે
Abhani અભાણી
Acam અનમ
Adaliya અડલીયા
Adhia અઢીયા
Ahya આહ્યા
Ajebiya અજાબીયા
Akhani અખાણી
Alani અલાણી
Almadi અલમાડી
Amblani આંબલાણી
Amdavadi અમદાવાદી
Amlani અમલાણી
Anadkat અનડકટ
Anam અનમ
Asari અસારી

Badayani બદાયની
Bagdai બગડાઇ
Baliya બળીયા
Bapari બાપારી
Barai બારાઇ
Barcha બરછા
Baru બારુ
Batavia બાતવિયા
Bathiya બથીયા
Bhagde ભગદે
Bhagdev ભગદેવ
Bhatecha ભાટેચા
Bhayani ભાયાણી
Bhimdev ભીમદેવ
Bhimjayani ભીમજાયાણી
Bhinda ભીંડા
Bhinde ભીંડે
Bhindora ભીંડોરા
Bhojani ભોજાણી
Bhuptani ભુપતાણી ગોત્ર
Bhadrash Bimani બિમાણી Bodani બોદાણી
Buddhadev બુદ્ધદેવ
Bundiyani બુંદિયાણી
Chandarana ચંદારાણા
Chandarani ચાંદરાણી
Chandibhamar ચંડીભમર
Chandrani ચંદ્રાણી
Chatwani ચતવાણી
Cheta ચેતા
Chetwani ચેતવાણી
Chhag છગ
Cholani ચોલાણી
Cholera ચોલેરા
Choraba ચોરાબા
Chotai ચોટાઇ
Chothai ચોથાણી
Chug ચગDaiya દૈયા
Dakhkhani દખ્ખણી
Dantani દંતાણી
Dasani દાસાણી
Dashani દશાણી
Dattani દત્તાણી ગોત્ર Bruhadsh
Davada દાવડા
Daxini દક્ષીણી
Deshi દેશી
Devani દેવાણી ગોત્ર Rathitar
Dhairi ધૈરી
Dhalani ઢાલાણી
Dhanecha ધનેચા
Dhinga ઢીંગા
Dhirai ધીરાઇ
Dhokai ધોકાઇ
Dhupeliya ધુપેલીયા
Gadhiya ગઢીયા
Gadit ગાડિત
Gajani ગજાણી
Ganatra ગણાત્રા
Ganda ગંદા
Gandecha ગંડેચા
Gangdev ગંગદેવ
Gangvani ગંગવાણી
Gatecha ગટેચા
Ghebariya ઘેબરીયા
Ghela ઘેલા
Ghelani ઘેલાણી
Ghenani ઘેનાણી
Ghiya ઘીયા
Gokani ગોકાણી
Goklani ગોકલાણી
Gotecha ગોટેચા
Govani ગોવાણી
Hadani હદાણી
Halai હાલાઇ
Halani હાલાણી
Harkhani હરખાણી
Hindocha હીંડોચા
Hinga હીંગા
Hirani હિરાણી
Jarajani જરાજાણી
Jarejani જારેજાની
Jasani જસાણી
Jataniya જટણીયા
Javani જવાણી
Jivani જીવાણી
Jivarajani જીવરાજાની
Jobanputra જોબનપુત્રા
Kachchela કાછેલા
Kakkad કક્કડ
Kanabar કાનાબાર
Kanani કાનાણી
Kanchela કાંચેલા
Karia કારીઆ (કોઇક લોકો કારિયા) ગોત્ર કશ્યપ
Kariyani કરીયાણી
Kataria/Kantaria કટારીયા
Kathrani કાથરાણી
Katira કતીરા
Kesariya કેસરીયા
Khagram ખગરામ
Khakhariya ખાખરીયા
Khakhkhar ખખ્ખર
Khalpada ખાલપાડા
Khandhadiya ખંધડીયા
Kharsani ખરસાણી
Khatani ખટાણી
Khimani ખીમાણી
Khiraiya ખિરૈયા
Khiya ખીયા
Khoda ખોડા
Kikani કીકાણી
Kotak કોટક
Kotecha કોટેચા
Kundalia (Kundaliya) કુંડલિયા
Laghani લઘાણી
Lakhani લાખાણી
Lakhdhir લખધીર
Madecha માડેચા
Madhwani માધવાણી
Madiya મડીયા
Madlani મદલાણી
Magecha મગેચા
Maharuda મહરુડા
Majithia/Majethia મજીઠીયા (મજેઠીયા)
Makhecha માખેચા
Makhkhija મખ્ખીજા
Mala માલા
Malani માલાણી
Mandalmijar મંડળમિજાર
Mandhai માંઢાઇ
Manek માણેક
Mansata માનસતા કે માનસેતા
Maruda મારુડા
Marutada મારૂતડા
Masarani મસરાણી
Masaru મસરૂ
Mashru મશરુ
Mathrani મથરાણી
Matrawadiya માત્રાવાડિયા
Mehta મહેતા
Mendha મેંઢા
Mensan મેસણ
Mirani મીરાણી
Modi મોદી
Mohanputra મોહનપુત્રા
Morjaria મોરઝરીયા
Mukdani મુકદાણી
Mulani મુલાણી
Nagecha નાગેચા
Nagrecha નાગ્રેચા
Nandani નંદાણી
Naram નરમ
Nathavani નથવાણી
Odhiya ઓધિયા
Otaradi ઓતરાદી
Pabari પાબારી
Pajwani પજવાણી
Palan પલાણ
Panchani પાંચાણી
Panchmatiya પંચમતિયા
Pandhi પાંધી
Pandit પંડિત
Parabiya પરબીયા
Pariyani પરીયાણી
Parkariya પારકરીયા
Pastani પસ્તાણી
Pateliya પટેલીયા
Paun પાઊં
Pawagadhi પાવાગઢી
Pobaru પોબારૂ
Ponda પોંદા
Popat પોપટ
Premani પ્રેમાણી
Pujara પુજારા
Rachchha રાચ્છ
Rachura રાયચુરા
Radhwani રાધવાણી
Radia રાડીયા
Raichhada રાઇછડા
Raimagiya રાયમગીયા
Raivadera રાયવડેરા
Raiya રૈયા
Raiyani રૈયાણી
Raiyareliya રૈયારેલીયા
Raja રાજા
Rajani રાજાણી
Rajdev રાજદેવ
Rajpopat રાજપોપટ
Ramani રામાણી
Rangpuriya રંગપુરીયા
Ratani રતાણી
Ratnadharya રત્નાધાર્યા
Ravani રવાણી
Raveshiya રવેશિયા
Ray રાય
Raychadda રાયચડ્ડા
Rayjada રાયજાદા
Raykada રાયકડા
Raykundaliya રાયકુંડલિયા
Raythaththa રાયઠઠ્ઠા
Rudhani રંધાણી
Rughani રૂઘાણી
Rupabhinda રૂપાભીંડા
Rupani રુપાણી
Ruparel રૂપારેલ
Ruparelia રૂપારેલિયા
Ruteshwar રૂતેશ્વરSachdev સચદેવ
Sadharani સાધરાણી
Sameta સાંમેતા
Sanghani સંઘાણી
Satwani સતવાણી
Savajupani સવજીપાણી
Savani સવાણી
Savjani સાવજાણી
Sayani સયાની
Sayata સાયતા
Sedani સેદની
Sejapal સેજપાલ
Selani સેલાણી
Seyaraliya સેયારેલીયા
Shaycha શયચા
Shingala શિંગાળા
Shivjavani શિવજવાણી
Simriya સીમરીયા
Sodha સોઢા
Somaiya સોમૈયા
Someshvar સોમશ્વર
Sonaiya સોનૈયા
Sonchhatra સોનછત્રા
Sonpal સોનપાલ
Suba સૂબા
Subarana સુબારાણા
Suchak સુચક
Sunthaniya સુંથણીયા
Tanna તન્ના
Tannarana તન્નારાણા
Tejura તેજુરા
Thakrar ઠકરાર
Thakkar (or Thakker) ઠક્કર
Thinga ઠીંગા
Tholera થોલેરા
Trikmani ત્રિકમાણી
Udvani ઉદવાણી
Unadkat ઊનડકટ
Vachhani વાછાણી
Vadera વડેરા
Vaghani વાઘાણી
Vajani વજાણી
Vanjara વણઝારા
Vasani વસાણી ગોત્ર Kshemvan
Vasant વસંત
Vithalani વિઠ્ઠલાણી

List of Notable Lohanas

Shree Jalaram Bapa
Yogiji Maharaj: 4th spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan
Kal Penn (Kalpesh Modi)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Rao Bahadur Sheth Curumsey Damjee
LekhrajKripalani founder of the BKWSU
NanjibhaiKalidas (Badiyani) Mehta 20th century business tycoon and founder of The Mehta Group
Gopaldas Kotecha- Gopaldas Madhawji Empire in Pemba, Tanzania (1938-1974)
Manubhai Madhvani
Shriti Vadera- Baroness and UK Government Minister.
Vinesh Panditpotra – Indian Glamour Model and Writer

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